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Karen Burge - NSW Legalise Cannabis Party

Updated: Mar 29, 2023

Hello Ubuntu Community,

I am excited to announce that I have been given the opportunity to run in the NSW State Election for the Legalise Cannabis Party on Saturday the 25th March.

I am standing because I believe all Australians deserve immediate, affordable access to naturally grown whole plant Cannabis, with homegrown being our first choice.

I am standing because I believe that whole plant Cannabis is a gift from creation, offers better quality of life, is the most nutrient rich food source known to man, and has been successfully consumed as food and medicine for thousands of years with “no recorded deaths ever.”

I am standing because I believe that “Cannabis is food, first and foremost” and the Hemp industry has the potential to save our country while creating an abundance of jobs and self sustainable industries with antibacterial, biodegradable products that cause no harm to the environment, but rather enhance the environment in which it is grown.

I am standing because I believe that it is imperative now to set up the infrastructure to grow and process Hemp because it can be used for food, medicine, housing, paper, plastic, fabric, fibre, biofuel, batteries, oil and more.

I am standing on behalf of every member of our Ubuntu Community, all who have needlessly suffered from Cannabis prohibition past, present and future 🙏

I am standing because I believe in body autonomy and our rights to choose what goes in our bodies.

I am standing as a mother, grandmother and friend who believes the time to end prohibition and make the transition with the Cannabis/Hemp plant is needed now more than ever, for our own well-being, our children’s well-being, our grandchildren’s well-being, the well-being of all future generations and to protect and preserve our precious natural resources especially our land and water resources.

I will be running in the legislative council with a group of amazing long term advocates and activists who will share the ticket with me.

I am excited to be standing in this election along side one of my favourite long term fellow advocate/activist Gail Hester. Gail has been campaigning to End Cannabis Prohibition for over a decade, and believes "The Cannabis/Hemp Plant that was once considered the dope plant, is now known as the Hope Plant."

If you live in NSW, your vote above the line on the large ballot paper in column O can help ensure a place for us inside parliament.

See more here as Karen and Gail discuss prohibition and why we are standing for the freedom of the plant, our people, and our planet by the people, of the people, for the people.

Authorised by G. Hester, Legalise Cannabis NSW Party, 51 Cullen St Nimbin 2480

Karen Burge

Vice President - The Church Of Ubuntu




GO GIRLS and never give up. My family and friends Vote for you every time. Margaret Davidson🤓

Karen Burge
Karen Burge

Thank you Margaret xx

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